Hey, I'm Simon
I'm a Software Developer. I love reading, playing chess and also creating systems that use Deep Learning to algorithmically trade on Centralized and Decentralized Exchanges!
I'm a Software Developer. I love reading, playing chess and also creating systems that use Deep Learning to algorithmically trade on Centralized and Decentralized Exchanges!
I am specialized in the Blockchain, Quantitative and Cloud Software Development Domains.
Experience in developing Smart Contract using Solidity & Rust.
Development, Testing and Deployment of Smart Contracts using Hardhat.
Experience of using Openzeppelin Smart Contract Standards & Chainlink Oracles.
Backtesting trading systems using historical data.
Making Trading Decisions using Predictions through machine learning.
Interacting with Decentralized Exchanges like Uniswap and OpenSea.
Exploiting Arbitrage, and Liquidity opputurnities and maximazing profits using Flash Loans on AAVE.
Using Git as the Centre of Truth for a CI/CD pipeline.
Hosting, managing and scaling dApps on a public Cloud Provider.
Containerization of trading systems to ensure consistency when deploying to the Cloud.